Tag Archives: local church

National ‘Back to Church Sunday’ 2013

Any week can be the week you go back to church. However, this Sunday, September 15th is the “official” day for regular attendees to invite someone “back to church”, and for people searching for a church home to make this the week they finally check out that local church they’ve been meaning to swing by.

Here’s a couple videos we showed at my church this past Sunday. The first one really strikes a cord with me, and the second one will probably give you an unexpected chuckle.

Seek a local church community

Some form of a local church community is necessary for the Christian to continue to grow in their faith, and truly live out the life for which we are called during our short time here on earth. However, “local church” isn’t just meeting in a building every Sunday, nor does it have to be in a building at all. What is required, though, is fellowship with- and allowing ourselves to be accountable to- other Christians.

Despite the popularity of wanting to “go it alone” in our culture today, especially when it comes to our faith journey, this is not a viable option for the Christian who desires to live to their fullest potential.

I hear many self-professing Christians say, “I believe in God, but the whole church and organized religion thing just isn’t for me.” When pressed further on the topic, reasons typically fall somewhere on the spectrum of disagreeing with one or more topics they may have heard on any given Sunday, to very serious personal hurts caused by church leaders or fellow attendees. One thing is certain, there is no “perfect church”- once you think you’ve found one then chances are you’ve ended up in a cult. Furthermore, churches are just like the rest of the world in that they are made up of imperfect people.